Quincy Mae FAQ

Quincy Mae Order Questions

Order Status

Can I modify or cancel my order?

An order cannot be modified or canceled once in processing status in our warehouse.


What's your return policy?

We offer returns for bonus store credit, refunds, or exchanges made within 15 days of receipt for Rylee + Cru, Quincy Mae, and Play x Play.

Because Noralee is a special occasions offering the policy allows for exchange / store credit only.

You can find out more details on eligibility and guidelines here in our official policy.

Our refund policy can be found here.


Where is my order confirmation email?

An order confirmation email is sent automatically when an order is placed. After confirming that your order confirmation email did not go to your spam/junk folder and you believe you are missing it, we would be happy to assist if you contact us at orders@ryleeandcru.ca - you will receive updates when the order is in transit, out for delivery, and delivered so that you can have peace of mind that it arrived safe and sound.


How can I track my order?

Once your order has been shipped, Rylee + Cru will send you a shipping confirmation email and tracking number.   


Placing an Order

How can I track my order?

Once your order has been shipped, Rylee + Cru Collective will send you a shipping confirmation email and tracking number.

Do you offer gift wrapping?

We do not offer gift wrapping at this time. Packing slips in your order do not display any pricing and work nicely as a gift receipt.

Please enter any gift notes into the comment box during checkout.


Do you restock sold out products?

If there are no sizes available, the product is out of stock. We are seasonal with our drops and do not produce any more product once sold out. However, we do restock items weekly via returns that are brand new, tagged, and in prime condition. These returns are restocked weekly and are updated on our site once available in small quantities.

How do I use a coupon code?

Coupon codes must be rendered at checkout. Each coupon code can be used once per customer. If a coupon code shows that it is expired, it means you have used it on a past order, and our system cannot apply it again.

Discount codes are not stackable on our site, only 1 code can be used per order.



Please refer to our Shipping + Returns page 


Sourcing & Production Values

Do the Rylee & Cru Collective Brands use ethical sourcing for all clothing and how do you monitor that?

Yes! We are meticulous about who we work with and how each piece is sourced.

Rylee + Cru brands are designed in the United States, made in China and is ethically produced. We have our factories sign a code of conduct agreement which states all the critical components. No child labor, no forced work environments, pay fair wages, etc. Our production facility has been sourcing some of the world's best brands since 1992, has 30K employees across all sectors and locations, and in our space has specialization in high quality children's garments. We also personally visit the factory on a recurring basis to check in with the team and see the process of production.

In 2018, the factory that produces our Rylee & Cru brands was selected as the "Outstanding Case of Social Responsibility of Chinese Private Enterprises" by the National Federation of Industry and Commerce.

More info on our product promises