Noralee Rewards

It's easy. Start getting rewarded and get all the good stuff first.
Lots of ways to earn and lots of perks along the way. The best part? It's so simple AND you can now collect rewards across all of the Rylee + Cru collective brands. There's no reason not to get the best rewards for you to take advantage of.
1. Join
Start earning as soon as you hit the link below and join.
2. Earn Points
Every single time you shop, on special days like birthdays, whenever you refer someone, and even more opportunities like these are automatic earning events.
3. Redeem
Redeem your points for discounts on any release and at all times that you want to reward yourself. You can do this online or on the official app.
(4. Bonus) : Get the Official Rylee + Cru Collective App
Store points, order history, and reference all brands in one easy and convenient place to redeem all in one place that gives you additional perks.
You can get the Apple version or the Android version.