Rylee + Cru Retailer Spotlight: Pigment

Rylee + Cru Retailer Spotlight: Pigment
We’re always excited to highlight the beautiful retailers we partner with that help make the Rylee + Cru Collective what it is today. Each one all over the world has its own look, feel, and story, so this is where we get to share that local feeling with all of you and the inspiration behind each store.

For our next feature we are excited to introduce you to Pigment!


Q. Tell us about your store! What made you decide to open up your own retail space?
A. Fifteen years ago, my husband, Chad, and I stumbled into retail. We were younger, more naive versions of ourselves and we'd been hustling to sell art from a 15' x 15' studio in the back of an art school for years. We decided to formalize the venture by moving into a more bonafide retail space. We wanted a place to make and sell my paintings and, as a bonus, we thought it would be fun to feature the work of our artsy friends. It was pretty simple, the first iteration of Pigment had retail in the front and my studio in the back. We had no idea that it would evolve into the store we own today. Ironically enough, I've come to appreciate the naivety described at the start as one of our greatest assets.
Q. What is your favorite thing about running your store?
A. Since we work with lots of vendors, we have the opportunity to buy and invest in someone else's dream. The opportunity to play some small part in another vendor's success story is one of my favorite parts of the business. That said, when you have a personal relationship with the people behind the product, the stakes are higher. You celebrate their wins and, on the flip side, you burden their challenges too. It's not always an upward trajectory, but when it is, it's incredibly gratifying.

Q. How do you select the brands you carry?
A. We find things in all sorts of ways. In the early days it was just good ol' fashioned word of mouth and friends of friends. These days we travel to trade shows, search marketplace platforms, or happen by something on social media. It's pretty organic, we're always scouting. It's definitely a full-time job.
Q. What does a typical day look like for you?
A. I start every day bright and early with exercise. I get our kiddos to school and after that each day is a little different and fluctuates based on priorities. I spend a lot of time on my laptop and phone. On the computer, I'm reviewing catalogs, writing orders, and fielding other administrative needs. By phone, I'm listening, coaching, brainstorming, sometimes just managing one challenge after the next. If you imagined me in the comfort of my home, a portrait of me in my car might be more accurate. Some days I'm at school, teaching art history and color theory at the local college. When I have an art deadline, painting is the priority.

Q. If we had one day in your hometown, where should we visit?
A. Hands down, the San Diego Zoo :)

Connect with Pigment:
3801 30th Street, San Diego CA 92104
2885 Perry Road, San Diego CA 92106
3715 Caminito Court, San Diego CA 92130
Website: shoppigment.com
Instagram: @shoppigment